Friday, March 25, 2011

Mask Mask Baby!

We woke up late, had yesterdays cake left overs, - cleaned and then decided to do some girly stuff, and my roommate thought it looked like fun so we had ourselves a little blast-
I love lazy hazy days- And oh, i´ve found so much awesome music today it´s insane!
And tonight it gets better and tomorrow it gets even better -
And did i mention that my skin is as smooth as a baby butt?? Cause it is.

Picture time, be warned!- happy weekend :)

My Funny Roomie

Liking his feminine side

Then feeling a bit freaked out by the dried feeling

Look at his face lol! suddenly he looked like a tortured prisoner.

The Story of Chibooboo, catch it soon in selected cinemas

Song of the day- too many to choose from

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Berlin Metro + RUna

It´s weird, cause it´s always crowded but this time, at this very second it wasn´t and i caught it.

Stripes in Berlin

Yeah,.. i should post more- been taking pictures but i just never get around to posting them- soon i will, i promise.

Hugs and Kisses.
